Various Tesla book cover images

Nikola Tesla Books

Books written by or about Nikola Tesla

Especially, if it was a sad event, like a funeral, or the suffering of a person or an animal, or the struggles of an exhausted beggar, in general, every event would leave indelible images in young Nikola’s consciousness. To him, these images were so clear, and he would feel them so intensely, as if he had experienced them himself. This often troubled him a lot.

Visions of little Nikola

In order to free himself from such images and thoughts, he made an effort to think about other things and events. Then, various other images would appear and arrange themselves before his eyes. Thinking for hours, he would see images of things he had never seen, like pictures of unknown cities, landscapes, people, wars, storms, etc. These were truly vivid images that he himself imagined and created. And they became so clear that he completely transported himself into that unknown world. That’s how