Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

J 200 Division 1 Room 109. Application of Nikola Tesla. Ser. No. 371,817, filed May 4, 1907. Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Media. Hon. Commissioner of Patents, Sir: New York, Sept. 27, 1910. In the above entitled application we amend as follows: Page 3, line 16, often "se" cancel the comma. Remarks. It is believed that the confusion in the use of the terms "large curvature" and "small curvature" is apparent rather than real. In the sentence referred to as commencing in line 20 of page 2 it is stated that "the outside ideal surface enveloping them is of a large radius", and this is certainly true. No, where has applicant referred to such a surface as one of small curvature, but the contrary uses in that connect the term "large", implying plainly that large curvature and large radius of curvature are in effect synonymous. On the other hand, the term "small curvature" is consistently employed. where the radius of curvature is small. It is possible that the Examiner is correct in his view as to the use of the terms referred to, namely, that a surface of large radius of curvature is of small curvature, and vice versa, and ordinarily we should feel no hesitation in complying with the suggestion that the specification be revised on such a point. In this case however the specification, written some years ago, was prepared with extreme care, and we are therefore reluctant to make the changes suggested. By some oversight, which, as the Examiner will see, might readily occur, one or more places 62 37159 -1757