Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

Div...XVI. Room ...109 Abtress only "The Commissioner of Patonta, Washington, D. C." ikola Tesla, F.I. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2-260 c/o Kerr, Page & Cooper, 149 Broadway, Paper No.....15.... All communications respecting this application should give the serial number, date of filing, and title of Invention. WASHINGTON November 15, 1910. 28, 1910. New York, N. Y. Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application. S. No. 371,817, filed May 4, 1907, Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Media, renewal of No. 90,245. Bloors. Commissioner of Patents. This action is in response to amendment filed Sept. Applicant's arguments in regard to the correction of certain expressions are without merit. The fact that the attorney may not be able to correct certain errors properly is no excuse for continuing these errors. Furthermore, applicant has not been consistent throughout the specification in the use of the incorrect terms, and confusion already exists to a serious extent. Accordingly, the requirements of the last Office letter are repeated, and are herewith made final. In regard to claims 22 and 23, it is noted that these claims are absolutely contrary to each other so far as the systems go themselves. Claim 23 appears to be an attempt at a sub-combination as given in claim 22, and in order to make this device operative it must be understood that the elements of large curvature are mounted or supported on an area or surface of small curvature. Since this must necessarily be understood in the interpretation of the claims, it will make the matter much more definite and clear if applicant will 759