Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

J J J r r 1 J J In every application for a patent filed subsequent to December 31, 1807, responsive action must be made by the after the last office action or the oase will becomo abandoned. inventor within one year Room No.4 Al communications should be addressed to "The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C." Nikola Tesla, 2-246. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, Care, Kerr, Page & Cooper, 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y. All communications respecting this application should give the serial namber, date of filing, and title of invention. WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 26, 1900. FER 26 1909 Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application filed Nov. 2, 1899, Ser. No. 735,575, for Apparatus for Utilizing Effetcs Transmitted from a Distance to e Receiving Device through the Natural Media. C. H.Duell Cornmissioner of Pass Claix 10 is rejected on the patent to Marconi, of record. Since the manner in which the sensitive device cooperates with the storage battery is not set forth the claim covers nothing more than the apparatus shown in the Marconi patent provided with a storage instead of a primary battery. F.OG. Joh. Winter Examiner, Div. 16./ RULE 73. In every amendment the exact word or words to be stricken ont or inserted in the application mass be specified and the precise point indicated where the erasure or insertion is to be made. All such amendments must be on sbeess of paper separate from the papers previously fled, and written on but one side of the paper. 491