Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

pulses or disturbances at any wave length, wave form, number or order of succession, or of any special character, such as will be capable of fulfilling the requirements above stated, and there are also many ways in which such impulses or disturbances may be made to cooperate and to cause the receiver to be actuated and, inasmuch as the skill and practical knowledge in these novel fields can only be acquired by long experience, the degree of safety and perfection attained will necessarily depend upon the ability and resource of the expert who applies my invention, but in order to enable the same to be successfully practiced by any person possessed only of the more general knowledge and experience in these branches, I shall describe the simplest plan of carrying it out which is at present known to me. $ For a better understanding of the subject reference is P now made to the accompanying drawings, in which Figs. 1 and 2 represent diagrammatically an apparatus and circuit connections employed at the sending and receiving stations respectively for the practice of my invention, and Figs. 3, 4 and 5. modified means which may be employed in the practical application of the invention. $ In Fig. 1 sl s2 are two spirally wound coils or conductors, connected with their inner ends to preferably elevated terminals Dl and D2 respectively, and with their outer ends to an earth plate E. These two coils, conductors or systems ¹ sl E and 12 s² E have different and suitably chosen periods of vibration, and, as pointed out in other patents relating to my system of energy and intelligence transmission, their lengths should be such that the points of maximun pressure developed the rein coincide with the elevated terminals D1 D2. By suit605