Nikola Tesla and his Colorado Springs oscillator

Nikola Tesla News

News related to the world's greatest inventor

Help Save Wardenclyffe - Tesla's Only Remaining Laboratory

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WARDENCLYFFE TOWER, at 187 feet tall, stood near the lab Tesla constructed in 1901 in what is now Shoreham, Long Island. The facility was intended both for transatlantic wireless communications and radio broadcasting, as well as for global transmission of electric power.

FINAL UPDATE: The Wardenclyffe property was acquired by Friends of Science East, largely in part by Jane Alcorn and a generous donation raised by The Oatmeal. A large contributor was Elon Musk/Tesla Motors. Jane is fulfilling a dream and life-long passion to see the property preserved and recognized for its value. I salute you Jane!

UPDATE: In a follow-up email Marc Seifer states that he and other interested parties have been in contact with New York Senator Charles Schumer. Marc recommends that we include him in our campaign to save Wardenclyffe as he is receptive to the cause. You may write Senator Schumer at the following address or through a web form at the link below.

Charles E. Schumer - (D - NY) Class III
This morning I received a disturbing email from Marc Seifer, the author of Wizard: The Life & Times of Nikola Tesla, indicating that in spite of the efforts of the Wardenclyffe Project, the only remaining Tesla laboratory and the property it is located upon are now up for sale. A prospective buyer has revealed his intent of leveling this priceless landmark in order to build condos.

As Marc stated, this is a crisis situation and we are asking that everyone rally together and help initiate a letter campaign to the governor of New York to urge him to consider using a portion of the stimulus funds to purchase the Wardenclyffe site.

The contact information for Governor David A. Paterson can be found here:

Please take a few minutes of your time and write the governor and pass this information on to others so that they may join the effort to save such an important piece of history.

We are also seeking other parties that would be willing to help save Wardenclyffe. If you have ideas or suggestions, please post them in the Save Wardenclyffe Thread.

Thank you,
Cameron Prince
Tesla Universe founder and CEO