Nikola Tesla Articles
Tesla Talks to the Telegraph
“When am I going to make an experiment with wireless telegraphy? Why I don’t intend to make such an experiment.”
This is what Nickola Tesla, the great electrician, said to a Telegraph reporter this morning when asked how long it would be before he would be ready to make his final experiment. It has been generally supposed that Mr. Tesla built his station for the purpose of telegraphing to the summit of Pike’s Peak without the use of wires, but he has evidently changed his plans during his stay here, and has given up the idea of experimenting with wireless telegraphy.
“No, I have worked long enough on wireless telegraphy,” continued Mr. Tesla, and I am not experimenting with it now.” When asked about the experiments he is making, Mr. Tesla said he would prefer not to make any statements to the public concerning them. The workmen at the station east of town are still busy working on the large induction coil which occupies nearly the entire building. The coil is one of the largest in the world, and when finished will send out over 3,000,000 volts of electricity when necessary. Another smaller induction coil is also in the building, and will be used when a smaller volume of electricity is desired. Twelve large storage batteries were placed around the transmitter today.
When Mr. Tesla was asked when he would make some experiments he replied: “Why, I am making them all the time, and have been experimenting ever since I have been in the city. I think that is about all I wish to say this morning about my work.” Mr. Tesla then walked back into his private room in one corner of the station and commenced to figure some problem. Mr. Tesla spends nearly all his time at the station, and several times has been seen with his instruments during the night hours. The electric power which he uses is furnished by the City Electric company, and he is generally unable to get the power in the daytime, and is required to use it at night. The experiments are still conducted with the utmost secrecy, and no one but his employees are allowed near the building.