Nikola Tesla Books
wealth and the richness of its forests, it ranks among the richest countries. For its natural beauty and diversity of its regions, it is among the most beautiful and attractive countries in the world.
In Yugoslavia, Serbs, Croats, and Slovenians are united, who by origin, blood, and language are one people - the Yugoslavs. They are like three brothers with three names, but one surname. Unfortunately, for a thousand years, they lived separated and were exposed to various influences, which divided them into different faiths (Orthodox, Catholic, and Muslim) and other tribal and cultural specificities.
But the eternal dream of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenians was to unite into one state. This idea was particularly emphasized by the great sons of our Croatian brothers - Gaj and Strossmayer, in the past century.
The immortal leader KaraÄorÄe raised the Serbs in a rebellion in 1804. Leading them from battle to battle, he freed Serbia from the Turks. The tough fight for the liberation of their brothers, Serbia, and Montenegro continued until 1918, when, with the help of other brothers and some allies, they won freedom and the unification of all Serbs, Croats, and Slovenians and created our current state of Yugoslavia.
In this arduous struggle, Serbia always fought against far stronger enemies, achieved victories, fell and was devastated, but the spirit of its people never wavered. Thus, through superhuman struggle and sufferings, our national dream was realized: the liberation and unification of all Yugoslav brothers.
This gigantic struggle, started by the immortal leader KaraÄorÄe, was finished by his grandson King Peter I the Great Liberator and his great-grandson King Alexander I the Unifier, who tragically died at the hands of our nation's enemy on October 9, 1934. Then our young King Peter II ascended to the throne.