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Nikola Tesla Books

Books written by or about Nikola Tesla

rain, that as it thunders, the rain falls more heavily.

As it had happened before, thoughts that later led him to great discoveries arose in him on account of ordinary occurrences, and this time was no different.

Tesla had been contemplating for a long time the connection between thunderstorms and rain. Thunderstorms influence rain. This means that if thunderstorms were artificially created in the clouds, rain could be artificially produced as well.

As Tesla pondered about this, he considered the invaluable benefit the world would have if he could obtain rain during dry days when crops needed it the most. It is known that drought often causes significant damage, sometimes even complete destruction of crops. There are regions on Earth where rainfall is scarce, and these areas are barren and uninhabited. All fields would yield much more produce if they received rain at the right time. Thus, the idea of creating thunderstorms and lightning, similar to those in the clouds, occurred to Tesla.