Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 11

Memorandum for the Director The New York Office was instructed to disc with the State's Attorney in New York City with the Kosanovich into custody or a burglary charge and obt which Kosanovich is reported to have taken from Tesl out that any activities pursued by the State's Attor e most secret fashion in order to avoid any publicit inventions. The New York Office was also instructs Court in order that stops could be placed against ti his hotel and any other points, in particular, the have in order that no one may enter then without a present and every precaution taken to preserve the secrecy The New York Office is to keep the Bureau advised of all de Respectfully, -2 ke the matter up possibly taring the various pepers It was pointed d be hardled in Best Copy Available spect to Tesla's the Surrogate Tesla both in boxes that he ma tative being la's inventions. ents. Omdad Ladd L.M.C. Smith is handlin this wrth Prope to abiy Custodion so there appier meed for us to be no n mess around in it. Ear 11