Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 116

QR. ack ENCLOSURE Respectfully referred to: To ensure proper handling please return al! correspondence TO THE ATTENTION OF: FBI 6/23/76 27 Vlnited States Senate JUN 16 Please respond to the attached inquiry in duplicate and return the enclosure. you for your cooperation. Thank EXTIVA U.S.S. REC-34/00-22371 JUN 17 1976 ENCE Assoc. Dir. Dep. AD Adm. Dep. AD Inv. Asst. Dir.: Adm. Serv. Ext. Affairs Fin. & Pers. Gen. Inv. Ident. Inspection Intell. Laboratory Legal Coun. Plan. & Eval. Rec. Mgnt. Spec. Inv. Training Telephone Rm. Director Sec'y FBI/DOJ EXP PROC. 116 9264&t Nii 30