Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 124

1 MENT Bn 7 INITIO DEFENSE ID STATES OF AMERI AMERICA RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING of ...t MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION SUBJECT: Papers Recovered on the Death of Nicola Tesla (U) REGISTERED 1059638 CONFID TAL Xa THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DE Classifed by: Declassify on: (U) We understand that the FBI may have possession of a number of papers found after the death of Nicola Tesla in 1943. Nicola Tesla was a brilliant electrical engineer (i.e. the Tesla Coil) who was a pioneer in various aspects of electrical transmission phenomena. кв (C) We believe that certain of Tesla's papers may contain basic principles which would be of considerable value to certain ongoing research within the DoD. It would be very helpful to have access to his papers. wants WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (U) Since we have really no idea of the possible volume of these papers, we would be happy to provide a researcher who could assist you in reducing the magnitude of the search. If there are further questions, I am the point of contact within the DoD and can be reached at 695-6364 or 695-7417: SOMAR 30 1981 Per DOD letter dated 3.29.93 with Enclosures 1 and 2 ALL DOD info is unclassified ALL INFORMANO CONTAINED DOD referenced FOI / PA*4 336,608 and HEREIN IS UNCASSAR 362,001 DATE_N=14+1 4/8/93 9803 byc DUSDRE/S&SS February 1987 SE FBI ALLAINFORMATION CONTAINET HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 4-8-93 BY 9803 FOIPA No. 356, 608 CON 9 FEB 1981 Allan J. Man Laund Allan J. MacLaren LtColonel, USAF Military Assistant Strategic and Space Systems byc 0362,001 100-2237-33 BYAPIONY Ne DECLASSIFIED BY 10 48. ON 1-21-13 Por Army letter 5-25-89 291860 MAR 12 1981 670 CORRESPONDENCE 124