Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 126

1 te MAILED OF MAR 2 3 1961 Exec AD Inv. Exoc AD Adm. Exec AD LES — Asst. Dir.: Adm. Servi. Crim. Inv. Ident, latell. Laboratory Legal Coun. Plan. & Insp. Rec. Mgnt. Tech. Servs. Training Public Atts. OH.. Telephone Rm. Director's Sec'y - Lt. Col. A. .scharen Hilitary Asfint Strategic and price systems Cifice of the Under Secretary of Defense Washington, D. C. 20301 Dear Colonel MacLaren: ~ A complete search of our retrievable files concern ing Dr. Nikola cala shows that all notes and material in his i. acdiste possession at the tive of his death on January 7, 20 were placed in the custody of the Alien Property Custodian untat soal by the United States Governannt. Those materials have sever been in the care or custody of the PDI, zen 20, 1901 On January 26 and 27, 1943, Telural authorities mate thorough review of the of facts of Dr. Perla to determine if Adnes of vijnificant value to t... Unier states wir aktort could be found. Lis effects were examined at the Manhattan are louse and Storage Corpany at 52nd and 7th Avenue, Luv York, New Tork, where they apparently vare taken after his death. Barticipating in this exauination were representatives from the w York wie! Washington offices of the Alien. Property Custodidn, the office of Scientific Research and Developent at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the office of Laval Intelligence, and Unite: States Naval kesoere!.. The rI did not participate in this examination. (65-47953 section 1) MAIL ROOM ..^ FEDERAL GOVERNMENT المان ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 2.14 12 BYSPLASM It was the considered opinion of a spoletan of those oxasincrs "that there exist anong Dr. Tesla's papers and possessions no scientific notes, descriptions of hitherto unrevealed Lethods or devices, or actual apparatus which could be of significent value to this country or which would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands." There was thought to be no tochnical or Military reason why further custody of the property should be retainei. However, our files indicate that certain papers, ich wore regarded as typical of Nikola Tesla's writings and thoughts in the period of 1925 042, vere Honove for Calor propyl to the cafted on the Alig, for Tue 0921an. (65-47953 section 1) V-38 DE-11R BE. 鴛 75 708 7237MAR 25 1931 (OR NORD PART TURCH) 126