Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 162
AN EDGAR HOOVER DIRECTOR T JEL:ed Cached SAJ BUY UNITED STATES Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, D. C. January 11, 1943 BATINOS BONDS AND STAMPS MEMORANDUM FOR MR. LADD RE: to my 1-21-43 UNKNOT STR. FITRILEN ESWARCH OF NIKOL VESLA (Deceased) ESFIOR F مدن In a teletype from the New York Office dated Jamary 9, 1943,) the Bureau's advice is requested as to what action should be taken in connection with this matter. It is to be noted that Tesla died January 7, 1943 and resided at the tel New Yorker. He was one of the world's outstanding scientists in the lerical field and has been conducting many experimerts in connection with wireless trensmission of electrical power and what is commonly referred to as the "Death Ray". 89 13818 - Save Kosanovich, a distant relative intensely disliked by Tesla, is taking steps to get possession these important documents and plans. Kosenovich on January 7, 1943, with George Clark, in charge of the Museum and Laboratory for RCA, and Kenneth Swezey of Brooklyn, New York, entered Tesla's rooms in the Hotel New Yorker and, with the sid of a locksmith, broke into a safe containing some of Tesla's valuable papers, including important electrical formulee, designs, et cetere. CC-287 Tesla is reported to have completed and perfected his experiments in the radio transmission of electrical power and to have conceived and designed e revolutionary type of torpedo not presently in use by any nation. It is reported that Kosanovich may possibly make this material available to the enemy. ACTION: RECORDED GL y I called of the New York Office at 12:30 P.M. and pointed out the apparent burglary violation on the part of Kosanovich. I told him this matter should be discreetly discussed with the State's Attorney in New York City with a view to locating Focenovich and apprehending him on a burglary charge in order to determine the nature of the material he took from Tesla's safe. I pointed out the necessity for the State's Attorney keeping any action most secret in view of the highly confidential neture of the lars involved. I also suggested that the New York Office contact the Surrogate Court in order that Tesla's effects as well as the contents of his safety deposit boxes might not be entered without the presence of a Bureau Agent in order that we may endeavor to preserve the secrecy of any plans or items essential to the conduct the national POR VICTORY security. M 43 1 I 5 1943 E INTRAFO Mr. Tolson Mr. E.A. Tamm Mr. Clegg. Mr. Glavin Mr. Ladd Mr. Nichols. Mr. Rosen Mr. Tracy. Mr. Carson, Mr. Coffey Mr. Hendon Mr. Kramer Mr. McGuire, Mr. Harbo Mr. Quinn Tamm Tele. Room Mr. Nease Miss Beshm Respe ctfully, 162