Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 170
IN REPLY. PLEASE REFER TO FILE NO. 65-12290. HER:mhm Director, FBI Dear Sir: Jederal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice New York 7, New York 258646 A68/14 ENCLOSURE ATTACHER CONFENTIAL GING JEE/AG/JR 12. 1945 +-18-89 Re: BOLESKINER.... S1466lm # 241860 UNKNOWN SUBJECTS; SAVA KOSANOVICH; Reference is made to the Eureau letter dated January 21, 1943, which bore a caption similiar to that mentioned above. Experiments and research of NIKOLA TESLA (deceased) ESPIONAGE5 M The referenced letter dealt with the death, on January 7, 1943, of the famous inventor, NIKOLA TELA, who as well as being the inventor of Alternating Current, perfected many electrical devices. He is also credited with having developed the so called death ray" which would safeguard any country from attack by air. VICTORY SOY PTA June 9, 1945,1 of New York City furnished information of a nonspecific nature indicating that it was his belief that persons sympathetic to Russia were making an effort to secure the effects of NIKOLA TESLA in order to salvare there from any models or designs of possible military value. claimed that he heard that ABRAHAY N. SFANT, President of the WATIONAL LATES CORPORATION, of Dover, Delaware was the motivating influence behind this attempt to obtain TESIA'S papers whi ch are presently held in sterare at the ANATTAN STORAGE WARTHOUSE in New York City. protised to return to the New York Field Division shortly after his initial visit and furnish further and more specific information to support his claims. REOORLED -47953-14 At was not heard from again, however, until September 27, which time he furnished the following additional information: HT; WAR BUNDS AFT STAMPS 195, He said that a boyhood chum of his from Wichita, Kansas, BLOYCE FITZGERALD, had been TESLA'S protege and one of the inventors few confiderts. According to FITZGERALD who is now an Army Private stationed at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, is a brilliant 29 year old scientist who spent endless hours with "ESLA prior to the latters death, during which time TESLA explained to him most secret experiments. stated that FITZGERAIN met TESLA in November 1942, but he had been corresponding with the latter since 1935. According to the informant, FITZGERALD had developed some sort of anti-tank gun, the details of which he presented to TESLA who made certai corrections in design and specifications to further perfect the weapon. related that sometime in December 1942, when TTS ZAID was attending a meeting of the AURICAN SCATTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, made the acquaintance os APRAHAPANDI who became interested in TCTRAIDE 000001 RETURN TO INDEXING LET cão 170