Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 172
Letter Director, NY 65-12290 w Oct 27, 1945 stated that through FITZGERALD he too had met SPANEL and from this personal acquaintance he formed the opinion that SFANEL was definitely a communist and is probably one of the financial supporters of the Communist Party in this country. stated that SPANEL was born in Russia, but is now an American citizen. He also charged that SPANEL exerted tremendous political influence in Washington, D. C., and said that one of SPANEL'S closest political friends was HENRY WALLACE. advised that two agents from Army Intelligence contacted and stated that in an investigation to determine the qualifications of FITZGERALD for a commission, they had developed information indicating that SPANTI was definitely endeavoring to secure possession of TESLA'S effects. indicated that Army Intelligence was pursuing an investigation along these lines in an attempt to ascertain the complete story in this regard. psycten २८ -3stated that FIT GRALD had interested a group of young # Army scientists now working with him at Wright Field in this foundation, and their ultimate goal is to secure the support of a wealthy backer in order that a foundation might be established and that a sort of idea factory" might result. He said that they intended to contact HENRY FORD, SR., to solicit his aid in this regard. related that probably the greatest idea of TESLA'S that involving the wireless transmission of electrical power. He claimed that TESIA had performed a successful experiment many years ago at Pikes Peak, at which time he harnassed local current from the sun's rays which he built up into a huge potential of electrical energy. said that according to TTZCRALD, if this idea could be furth-red, all electrical energy to operate the world's machinery might be gotten absolutely free rather than by the costly method with which electrical power is presently generated. He said that his idea was to conduct further experiments along this line in China where the need for electrical power is very great. ODO was Inquiry was made at the MANHATTAN STORAGE WAREHOUSE in New York City, and it was determined that the effects of NIKOLA TESLA are contained in some 000003 172