Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 208

Architecture Blomfield, 56 Reginald, he dore obit Norman Misrajoçaj bi Enses James Barn SEX Glicoton, Engles gilt Groth, John August]‚¹; Herla, Emil obit O'Day, Caroline Goodwin-shi Sykes Chorise Misery) abit Zerock, William Aviation Blesa, Clayton Martin, Gjen L(whe Diplomacy Chiang Toe-pin 'ahlt, Hendersas, Se, Nara rich) obit Melle Frames, Afrębia durpáry, Robert Dİ Education Book Frost obit Boo, Lots Wibaim, Röv, b# •Garfield, Herry ↑ Alouston ehit lakem, Norman Were) > M{ Lodge, Gonsales ab Lowell A[bbott] Like You' ob Reynolds Helen Wikiem z Engineering Coeuford, Frederie) C(=pli¹201 bn SavdaAbdal Arts Mello Manco, Afranio Nogula guda (Poult Staves ETH Georg q xpm w FEB 1 ab.→* Mur O'D: Indu. Cres Lah. Gillion.. Obers oba Government Vinternational * MIUte (See abd Military and Naval Ander Anda Baisson; Merce (Frangoin} } Chiang The-pisebit Darian Jean (Louk Xevio Carlon Francale of Fuqua, NI Bined, a Gullion - MacFa MA. Jourism Paulay Purus Habe Kronk Fauler. Habe Orber +5 Medi.. Crite, pbit Resano War', Man Unlourdry &mme Hot ve February 10 + HIS ISSUE d States Military and Noval) Robert Daniel] oline Geodwie obit best obit Frederick Trødóriok ( Jens Ligthe Ab 18 lesendae. E. Kenneth Afrthe 270 L Fordyce] Fl nex Ogden * Wayant) Frank) N (nol) bed moethly Subcor be part of area 1876. Motion Picture Boyer, Charles Eddy, Helson Howe, James Woog Westley Helen ebit Music Naval. Borde, Jpan, (Joseph Noel) de la Nekon Carison, Evana Flordyed) Zeidler, Carl FroderiakRadia Eddy. Nobon Fuque, Stephen Oy Tinney, Calvin Religion Boe, Lan Wil Cadle Howard Science Boss From obit Carrer, George Washington obit Grile, George,` '{Washington), obit Howe, Harrisee Efstall}' abit ivas, James Efdwund} obit Rossnell, Aaron J{echua) ebit Schmelko Frani Č{ari) abi Tede, Hikala abit Social Service Andrews, John #fortram), obit Cerpenter, Julie) Henry, Rev. O'Day, Caroline Geodvis ebl Smith, Ida 3. Wise 2 Theatre Buhrman, Sfomuolį N{sibanie}} Hibbard, Edna obit Wortley, Helen: obl, Yur, N.Y.. Compork your. Entered under the CURRENT BIOGRAPHY Published monthly by The H. W. Wilson Company 950 University Avenue New York Editor: Maxine Block Managing Editor: E. Mary Trow Copyright, 1942, The H. W. Wilton Company. Reasonable quotation from this publication is permitted provided due credit is given to CURRENT BIOGRAPHY Vol. 4 February 1943 No. 2 Explanations Authorities for forms of names are the Library of Congress and the Wilson Company bibliographical indexes. Exception is made to the authorized form when the shortened form of a name is better known: c.g., Monty Woolley instead of Edgar Montillion Woolley. If the full name is not given in the heading it will be found in the sketch itself. After the name, pronunciation is given if the name is difficult, and then the date of birth as fully as possible. The date of death is given for those who have died. The occupation of the subject follows. Next comes the sketch itself, followed by a list of references for further study. These include magazine and newspaper references (in one alphabet) and books. If the person is not living, references are made to obituaries in newspapers and magazines. Only books of an autobiographical nature are listed, including such well known reference works as Who's biographical Who, Who's W'ho in America, etc. The magazine articles listed under References are in abbreviated form (see list "Periodical and Newspaper Abbreviations" for complete title). The form of entry is as follows: Sat Eve Post 56:78-9 5 '39 por. This means that an article supplementing our sketch will be found in Saturday Evening Post, volume 56, pages 78-9, in the September 1939 number. The abbreviation for means that the article is accompanied by a portrait. In the case of newspapers, the name of the paper is followed by paging and date. When a name in a sketch is followed by *** a biography of that person may be found in the 1940 Current Biography Yearbook published in December 1940; for a name followed by see the 1941 Current Biography Yearbook; for a name see index in the December 1942 Current Biography. Photographs not credited to various studios and not obtained from the individuals themselves are obtained from Press Association, Inc., Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. 208.