Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 22
Office Memorandum TO FROM t SUBJECT: MR. A. H. BELICHT k. L. L. LAUGHI anythy NIKOLA TESLA (Deceased) INFORMATION CONCERNING of May 4, 1953. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT It is noted also that dated April 16, 1948, from electrical engineering at the 65-47.53 1 12 ure prick is w CEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 21.8 called on the afternoon stated that he had been reading a book entitled, "The Prodigal Genius The Life of Nikola Tesla by John J. O'Neill, whom described as a science writer for a New rk newspaner (publisher Ives jashburn). noted in this book that Bureau Agents went to Tesla's room following his death on January 7, 1943, opened his safe, examined his papers, and took over his personal files. said this appeared on page 277. stated that Tesla is the father of modern power engineering, being responsible for the invention of the 4. C. generator, motor transmission, and other electrical engineering feats. He inquired (1) if the papers and works of Tesla were in the possession of the Bureau, and (2) if so, were they available for review in view of their scientific importance. I told that the statement concerning the Bureau's taking Tesla's files and not seem very logical but that I would check on the matter. (V) A + The Bureau's files reflect that shortly after the death of Tesla in his hotel room in New York City on January 7, 1943, Sava Kosanovich, a distant relative, and other individuals entered his room and opened the safe, examining certain materials which he possessed. On January 8, 1943, Mr. L. M. C. Smith of the Department advised Mr. Tamm that he was concerned about the possibility of enemy agents confiscating some of the trunks of Tesla and apparently the Office of Alien Property Custodian was taking some action regarding these effects. Since the matter was being handled by the Office of Alien Froperty Custodian, the Bureau did not make any inquiries into this situation. (65-47953-6) DATE: May 5, 1953 INFORMATION CONTAINED LOMMED-66 the Bureau received a letter explaining that he was studying Milwaukee School of Engineering and 100 2237-4X; INDEXFI F C - + MAY Toleo add. Lieho [Elmo Clegs Glavi Harbo Roset Tracy Geart! Mohr. Vister Tele. Hollo Si 200 Miss (6) 3 22