Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 235

PAN F NY 100-26200 by The first to issuos c "The Slavic American", furnished Cont cin the following articles: Vol. 1, Fall 1947, No. 1 Articlos Henry Wallace, Champion of Peace.. Poland's ostern Boundaries.. Statement on the Truman Doctrine it Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings...... As a Votoran Soos It, First in a Scrios of Articles.... Spotlight on the Balkans, Statements on Balkan-Grook Question, et U.N. Security Council Hoarings.. The Roal Bulgaria An Answer to Life Magazine..... 3 5 20 50 41824 28 QUA by Loo Krzycki Congressman G Sadowski Maxine (20) By George Pirinsky Captain George uchinichby Warren Rustin, U. SReprosentative and Andrei AGromyko, U.S.S.R. Representative .by Dr. Nissim ovorch 235