Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 247
26 A HALF HOUR OF MUSIC with TWO DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN ARTISTS OF SLAVIC DESCENT in a unique Album of Recordings Now on Sale ZLATKO BALOKOVIC Violinist By BALOKOVIC HYMN TO THE SUN CROATIAN RHAPSODY FOR ONE MOMENT OF JOY LEGEND PEASANT'S LAMENT ARIA PRINCE IGOR By PETROFF By BOTH SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME ELEGIE IVAN PETROFF Baritone Rimsky-Korsakoff Croatian Folk Song Lhotka Bulgarian Folk Song Bulgarian Folk Song Borodin Dvorak Massenet Prize selections for your library long to be cherished and enjoyed FOUR RECORDS TO EACH ALBUM $4 the Album postage prepaid USE CONVENIENT ORDER BLANK) The American Way (Continued from page 5) against that danger which most disturbed the Founding Fathers-the power of the military. And note how all these things are inter-related. Liberty is imperiled by poverty, by monopoly, by war. Every measure which the new party proposes is a measure to safeguard liberty. By abundance, the new party means that our rich land-and our skills, brought here by immigrants from the Old World in the last 300 yearsshall produce all that is needed to make the good life available to every law-abiding and industrious man and woman here, and their children, regardless of color, race or religion; and that these fruits of enterprise and labor shall not be so ill-divided that a few are glutted with a surfeit of luxuries while many who toil and sweat must for reasons beyond their control still go "ill-fed, ill-clothed and ill-housed." The pioneers who first possessed the Atlantic seaboard and later pressed westward through the forests and the prairies, could win abundance by strength and industry, by the wide swing of the axe. the true aim of the flintlock, and the firm hand on the plow. There was opportunity galore. Almost any man could get land for the asking or for a few dollars an acre, and become (Continued on page 291 AMERICAN SLAV CONGRESS 205 East 42nd Street New York 17, N. Y. $4 for album of 4 records I enclose Name Address. City & Zone State... for album(s) (Make checks and money orders payable to AMERICAN SLAV CONGRESS 24