Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 28
Leland 1. Anderson 127 Seymour Avenue Southeast Minneapolis 14, Minnesota February 12, 1953 Dear Ar. Senerff, It was Tesla... so very rewarding to receive your reply concerning Dr. Nikola I have initiated an undertaking on benair of Tesla because I feel that in all right and justice something should be done to perpetuate the name of Tesla and see to it that is name L: COMES A part of the heritage of this nation. A great tash porians, but as time goes on I believe the name OI Tes. wi.. nore simificant in scientific developments. I hope that you may have an interest in the organization which. I have proposed and established, and I will be honored to have you as a member. The organization is presently set up on the basis of those having a autur. interest in Tesla, with a free exchange or information between members. The first two issues of the journal of the c.ganization are vein. to you under se arute cover, an Siculi reach you in a day or two. M Some other members which may be of interest Dorotny Skerritt, Kenneth Swezey and W. to you are; Huriei arbus, winem. The recent ceatns of Jonn 'Neill and Edwin Armstrong were very unexpected, and it is with a great sadness that I received the news and LOSB members. se two Do you know 1 Mr. Lowenstien nad a daughter? The reason I SA is that a woman visited Mr. O'Neill before his death and told him that sne innerited a great amount of Testiana from t r father Whom I sume to be Mr. Lowenstien. This woman was a raid or aise.csing the information by reason of her mistaken uction and fear that Si. Wou.d rudely be raided by the army. You see Xr. Cu L rested t that a few army oriclaïs visited is om W'th insistent ou sis for information. Of cours: tris sort of MOV, MOnt Interest WAS aroused by esla's "Deatr-Ray" Putors, prajic up by enterprising Journalists . well, the result of al. his is that se refused to give Mr. O'Neill her married name only that 1.0 prince no ss, and moved to sore ald-w.stern city. Ir tais WOME has the amount of material that Mr. Oel. intimated, it wou car-tainly be important to locate nur, Alamys S.L OP tration concernit S.A. I I TO A that before and I believe that one of valuable efforts C would be to catalog every piece of informati Dave MACS a beginning effort along this too long all collections o: Tesliana may De located, cutulojed, reproduced for fear of eventual loss. Thrown Nary A. benjamin (of Walter R. Benjamin Autographs in New York) I hav outained a number of significant items of correspondence betw Tes & and hot rt U. Johnson. The entire collection of comm Spendence with Mr. Jonnson numbers in excess of 70 places. I share this co.lection with Mrs. 28