Nikola Tesla Documents
Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 32
BAC, New York RECORD 15 NOT AN FOIA REDACTION Tolsos Ladd. Nichols Belmont. ClegeGlavin Harbo Rosen Tracy Gearty Mohr Winterrowd. Tele. RoomHollomao Miss Gandy405-0-4973 4973 Directer, Far 100-2237_4X/ с RELAND I. ANDERSON HISCELLANEOUS; INIEMIAL SECU Balet forwarded to which were received and Beherff, Jr. this Atta Beurlet 2-19 - ted There is returned herewith Bureau as enclosures with your letter as intended for retention in your office file, my 2 MAILED 16 MAR 1 0 1954 COMM-FBI oncerning the sau trọ Photostate of the letters March 10, 1 460# 1 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED BYll sprapste DATE 2-2-2 BY. intiviêmi. the Photostats received amach as it appears 6 & 32