Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 52

interest able transmit housands 1 Ewatts of electrie any point HOUT WIT would make him a prime target for vested Interest notably the J.P.Morgan sonbine with whes rned Iftien serving any master eurious point if indeed strings yorg pulled. Quite it looks as if someone went lot of trouble hia ideas were not breadly available ensure the stability of their own electrie technological apple eart financially at the expense of unguessable benefits to to humanity whele. How would you like to be able to draw limited out of the air te rum esy lightbulb with ONE wire? it, and much more. My sincere thanks for your thought attentions to these matters. Very best wishes 52