Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 59

r Freedom of Information Act Request /از Deputy Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 20535 Gentlemen: 17 October 1975 ack 11-10-25 REC-21 I would be very grateful for your help with this. AFORATION CONTAINED IN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 2-3-83 BYSP 4 Jompate ATTORNEY INERAL LEPUEY I am writing an article for a magazine on early twentieth century inventors and want to obtain information on some papers of Nikola Tesla that were seized by the FBI on his death in 1943. Dr D u U. A. Tesla invented a number of electrical devices and because of the war and because Tesla was born a Yugoslavian national, it was probably considered a measure of preventitive safety to hold in safekeeping papers that might have any bearing on national security. & I would like to find out: 1) if the FBI still has the papers; 2) if they do have the papers, what must be done to see them; 3) if they do not have the papers, who does have them or what happened to them? 100-2237-28 Sincerely, Oct 21 9 OFFICE OF THE M '75 62 HGH i 5 OCT 241975 59