Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 70

STANIY HD FORM 10. 64 Office Memdum . TO FROM SUBJECT: á ; 1 DIRECTOR, FBI UNITED NJM:med (4) SAC, NEW YORK (65-12290) PRESLA NIKOLA TESLA (Deceased) IS -YU 1957 Street, New York 24, New York, a United States citizen of Yugoslav extraction, who on occasion, voluntarily furnishes the New York office with information he considers to be in the interests of the Security of the United States Government, furnished Special Agent MICHOLAS J.MASTROVICH the following information on July 3, 1957: MRA.MRE, DAT STORM (b)(2)(0) stated that a certain woman named Mrs. MARGARET STORM who lives with her husband, JOHN, at the Calonial Hotel, 51 West 81st Street, New York 24, New York, has been issuing newsletters which contain information pertaining to flying saucers and interplanetary matters. SETTICH MENCUETTER stated that in his opinion Mr. and Mrs. STORM are exploiting the reputation and genius of NIKOLA TESLA, deceased, inventor of Yugoslav extraction who ahieved world wide fame as a result of his inventions in the United States. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION CONTAINED EXEIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 23-80 BYSPY 0700-1 DATE: 7/25/57 Bureau (RM) (Encs.2)* Los Angelesco (Info) (Encl.1) (RM) New York (65-12290) RECORDED-56 INDEXED-56 TESLA was born in Smiljan, Yugoslavia in July, 1859 and came to the United States in 1894 and became a naturalized United States citizen. 1886 TESLA designed the arc-lighting system and two jears later he invented the Tesla motor and designed a plan for the transmission of alternating current. In subsequent years, TESLA's discoveries and invention zu included such fields and appliances as wireless. communication, eleptripallosition, radiant power and radio active matter. After 1900, communications and wireless power transmission occupied post off. his research. DVEDENEN SE 43 Espape NEWS (W)(3)(0) LE KEC.O - ERSTATN 3/06=2237-1 14 JUL 29 1957 1 70 ( Jand i pit 心 PA