Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 97

INFORMATION CONTAINED TN IS UNCLASSIFIED CATE 7-3-80 BY SP4 Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington D. C. Dear Sir, Stapafste 0 (6X76) Nith Test I am writing this to you as I believe that most of the government is infiltrated with foreign agents, and there is a very good chance this could be of extreme importance for the defence of our nation. July 8, 1970. I met a man a number of years ago that was raised on Long Island in the neighborhood where Mr. Tesla, inventor of the Tesla Coil, had his lab. He told me of Mr. Tesla's notes blowing down the street when the junk men were dismantling his equipment. It would be a wonderful thing is some of these notes were salvaged and could be found. Mr. Tesla was at least a century ahead of his time. He sent radio signals around the world seventeen years prior to Mr. Marconi, who received the credit, and pioneered many fields. He was so far advanced that he had to invent a special math to keep up with his work. Sincerely He, on several accasions talked before the scientists of the world and became very angry at their inability to understand him, and due to this was violentlĂ˝ disliked and didnot receive acknowledgement for his discoveries. One of the notes read by this man told of the radic transmission of electricity being brought to a high degree of effiency. Now here is the thing that should be investigated throughly. During my High School education, in the winter of either 19-25-26 or 1926-27, I made a currant events report on an article appearing in a small publication of that name that was received weekly at the Troy Highschool, Troy Montana. It stated in this article that Mr. Tesla had made an offer to the Congress of the United States that if they would install radio transmission towers at every 150 miles around the border of this country, that he would install equipment that would broadcast a vertical plane of energy beyond the atmosphere through which no material object could pass as it would shatter or lose it's monecular coohesion. It was refused. There is a good chance that this data is in the files of congress. What a defence, and boy do we need it. 27-117 REC-3 100-223719 I have had some results along this line with structured vortices of magnetic fields, but do not have the technical equipment or knowledge to carry out further experiments. The theory is quite simple and deals with particle acceleration, and it works to the best of my knowledge. co 9 JUL 16 1970 1879 97