Nikola Tesla Letters
December 30th, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla #2
New York, Dec. 30th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Street
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Your two telegrams were received this morning. Mr. Uhlman has left to-day, as I have telegraphed. He desired very much to stay until your return, but he was sinking rapidly and his physician advised him to go at once to the South, as the cold winters here are the cause of his illness. He says he will stop at his mother's in Missouri for a few weeks and try to gain a little strength before going south. He left here in pitiable condition, and we all feel very sorry for him.
Mr. Uhlman has left very complete instructions in regard to the work with the men, and especially with Mr. Johannessen, so that they will be able to finish the oscillator under way, which is now nearing completion.
I have always had much difficulty in drawing money at the Chatham Bank without your check, and last week the cashier told me that absolutely I could not do so again without power of attorney, or unless they also received authority by telegram whenever I was to draw money without your check. This was the reason for the request to wire the bank in my telegram of this morning. But as your answer had not been received up to the time the Bank was going to close, I obtained the money by permission of the President, ($125)
I enclose statement of expenses for the current week. The change in the pay roll is due to the leaving of Mr. Lindeke.
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous New Year, I beg to remain,
Respectfully and sincerely yours,
Geo. Scherff