Nikola Tesla Letters
Letters to and from, or regarding Nikola Tesla
July 11th, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla
New York, July 11th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Mr. Nikola Tesla
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Mr. Uhlman reports that the two clockworks will be ready for shipment to-morrow morning, and that, as all the instrwnent makers are occupied on them, the work on the independent break is temporarily delayed.
The inclosed note from Mr. Lagelouze was just received. I have acknowledged its receipt to him and written that it would be immediately forwarded.
I send inclosed the telephone bill for this month.
Permit me also to call your attention to the rent for July, for which no check was sent.
Geo. Scherff