Nikola Tesla Letters
July 28th, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla
New York, July 28th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
All the coherers and nickel filings are finished and will be expressed this evening. There are five grades of filings, which Mr. Uhlman had marked No. 1 to No. 5, the former number being the finest and the latter the coarsest. The chips of nickel and nickel plated aluminum wire will follow in a day or two, as soon as they are ready.
A ladle, sealing wax and coherer mount for pouring in the sealing wax are also being sent along. Furthermore an empty spool, wax-paper cut to fit the same, a stand and two lamps for the oscillator and two books on astronomy are included in the shipment.
The work of the shop continues on finishing the second independent break and developing the pump of the first break.
I send inclosed a letter and the bills. The bill of the Harnmerschlag Co. is very high, but they said they did not carry the kind of paper wanted in stock and could not buy less than one ream.
Geo. Scherff