Nikola Tesla Letters
July 6th, 1899 letter from Nikola Tesla to George Scherff
Colorado Springs Experimental Station
July 6, 1899
My Dear Mr. Scherff,
I write from the above place. We have just about finished in all details. My work is really to begin in earnest just now. I hope I will be able to get through very soon and also that I shall meet with success as before.
I have great many things to write but every moment is taken up.
Mr. Uhlman can wind magnets of break as suggested and made up the second break. I can not adopt his sketches showing proposed modifications. They are defective in some particulars. I shall write more fully as soon as practicable. I know that he is working hard to improve but he does not yet know all details about the breaks. The clockworks have arrived but they are a little disappointing as the arbors jump of course, following the motion of the regulating wheel.
Please tell Mr. Meyer to look at my clock down there and see whether he can not carry out that idea on a small movement as those were. If so I would like him to make up two more clockworks, which will give continuous rotation as the large clock. I think it will go with a small clockwork too. The speed is not essential, it can be smaller or greater, so long as it is continuous.
Keep me posted fully and particularly take care of money - for reason unnecessary to explain. Both Mr. Loewenstein and myself are very well and we are hard at work.
N. Tesla
P. S. Under inclosure check, also $200 on acc't. Please pay Meyer in cash. The balloons do not promise well. They are too heavy. One of your letters was held up in New York for postage due. It reached me only two weeks later.