Nikola Tesla Letters
June 10th, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla #2
New York, June 10th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Your letter of July 6th, inclosing bills and checks therefor, also check for $200 for laboratory expenses, has been received. This, together with the sum left from last week, as reported in statement of Saturday, makes cash on hand at present $218.15.
According to instructions two clockworks, the same as those previously sent, are being changed so as to give a continuous rotation to the arbor, and for this purpose Mr. Uhlman says, the balance wheel in each of them is being removed and fans are substituted. Both he and Mr. Mayer thought they could not secure the continuous motion in the same manner as it is done in the large clock.
The magnets of the independent break are being wound with No. 17 wire, as directed.
I forwarded your note to Mr. Allen in regard to the bottles and return herewith his answer. He claims not to be at fault in the matter. The facts are, when I sent him the order for two hundred bottles, he had only a little over a dozen on hand. He even doubted if his factory carried that amount of such bottles in stock and thought it would take three or four days to make them. He said he would telegraph to the factory, however, and promised to telephone the next morning before nine o'clock to let me know the result of his inquiry. I waited in vain for his message, and at 11 o'clock I sent the boy for information, and also to tell Mr. Allen to send only 100 bottles, as the other hundred had been obtained elsewhere in the meanwhile, I being anxious to send them as soon as possible. This settled the matter apparently, and only two days later he sent word that two hundred bottles had been sent from his factory.
Mr. Brown inquired this morning about your health and asked to have your address.
The technical journals continue to bring many notices about wireless telegraphy; I inclose one of the latest.
It has caused me great pleasure to learn that you are well, also that you expect to finish your work there and return to us.
Respectfully yours,
Geo. Scherff