Nikola Tesla Letters
June 19th, 1899 letter from Louis Uhlman to Nikola Tesla
New York, June 19th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Mr. Nikola Tesla,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
I have considered numerous ways of improving the old large break, at the same time keeping in view the suggestions shown in your sketch. To change the break so that the mercury jet is directed outward and horizontally against the vertical teeth of the disk, will make it necessary to insulate the disk from its metal support, the screw pump, and also to make electrical connection with the insulated disk from without by some suitable device. As yet I have found no practical way of doing this, but will keep on trying.
In the sketch I send you I modify the position of contacts, thinking that in this position the mercury clears, on the break, the inside contact more rapidly than in its former position; also the inclination of the teeth may be of advantage in this respect.
Louis Uhlman