Nikola Tesla Letters
June 1st, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla
New York, June 1rst, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Mr. Nikola Tesla
Colorado Springs. Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Your telegram of May 31st was received, and Mr. Uhlman has begun work on the break in conformity with your instructions; I have commenced to make a German translation of the prospectus.
The balloons could not be shipped on Wednesday, as I stated in my last letter, because they did not seem dry enough to pack. All other apparatus has been sent. This morning Mr. Uhlman tested the balloon and found that it could scarcely lift one pound and a half. He suggested that I should telegraph to this effect and ask if we should send them on, as under the circumstances they might be useless. Last week, when it seemed that the balloons could not be made airtight, I wrote Prof. Myers, to whose article on balloons I called your attention a short time ago, but did not mention your name. I have just received an answer, which I inclose for reference, in case you wish other balloons made.
While writing this I have received your letter of May 29th, inclosing telephone contract, check for Mr. Merckling and check for $500.
I am very sorry for the mistakes I have made. I have since forwarded a complete financial statement. I did not know I was to forward any bills. I send inclosed all bills received up to date.
Willie is attending to the Hochhausen motor. He says the new oscillator does not give a steady light. The metals, coherers and clockworks have all been sent off.
Geo. Scherff