Nikola Tesla Letters
June 21st, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla #2
New York, June 21rst, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Mr. Nikola Tesla,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
I received this morning your two telegrams in regard to the bottles, Okonite wire and balloons. Just a few moments ago I received your answer to my dispatch and have immediately telephoned to Delmonico's but Mr. Habirshaw was not there. Upon telephoning to the Factory at Yonkers I was told that the factory is closed, as it is late, and I can therefore not find out anything definite in regard to the wire until morning.
About the bottles also I was disappointed. After going to all the glass houses only a few dozen can be obtained. They have to come from the factory, and will be shipped to-morrow. Whitall, Tatun & Co. promised this morning to send them to-day, but found later, that they did not have enough in stock.
I could not see Prof. Myers in regard to the balloons, he had left his house this morning to go to New York City. I hope to meet him this evening or early to-morrow morning.
As these matters engaged me a considerable time to-day, I regret that I could not finish the English copy of the Patents List. I inclose the German list. I have inserted the numbers of the French, Italian and Belgian patents on controlling the movement of bodies in place of the applications.
Mr. Uhlman reports that the disk as well as other minor parts of the independent break are fast nearing completion, and that he has had the two large double condenser oscillators cleaned.
I inclose also several bills, which were just received.
Geo. Scherff