Nikola Tesla Letters
June 22nd, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla #2
New York, June 22nd, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
To-day I did not meet with as much disappointment as yesterday. I set out at seven o'clock this morning for Brooklyn to see Prof. Myers and have telegraphed the result of my call, as well as of my inquiry at the India Rubber and Gutta Percha Insulating Company.
Mr. Myers said the eight foot balloons might serve your purpose in perfectly calm weather, but thought they would not rise at the altitlide where you are, if it should be windy and therefore recommended the ten foot balloons, which have been ordered in accordance with your instructions by telegram to this effect. I inclose a letter which Prof. Myers had just written, when I called this morning and which contains some details about the balloons. They should be only about two thirds inflated, he says, as otherwise, they might burst when they attain some height. As you will also see from this letter, he requires cash with the order. He told me that even with the Government he does business on this basis, and therefore I am to see him again to-morrow morning and bring him the money. He assured me that the balloons will be ready in a week, and they will be expressed from his Balloon Farm at Frankfort, N. Y., directly to Colorado Springs, so as to save time.
I telephoned to the India Rubber Company immediately upon receipt of your telegram and was assured that the 11,000 feet of no. 10 solid wire would be expressed to-day yet. This will also be shipped directly from the factory to Colorado Springs. Mr. Habirshaw, I was told, is not in town.
Two hundred bottles have also been sent off to-day by express. They had to be obtained from two different places, as neither of them could furnish the whole amount.
Mr. Uhlman says the independent break is fast nearing completion, and, as the work is mostly on the castings, he is having 100 binding posts made, so as to keep the instrument makers busy.
Mr. Page sent to-day certificates of working Belgian Patent No. 94,940 and Italian Patent 83/355.
Bills with checks for Mr. Hughes and Maher & Flockhardt were received this morning. I inclose a list of patents in English.
Geo. Scherff