Nikola Tesla Letters
June 27th, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla
New York, June 27th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Mr. Nikola Tesla,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Mr. Meyer brought this morning two clockworks and is now attaching to each of them a small arbor to run at a speed of thirty revolutions a minute. The telegram was not quite clear, but Mr. Uhlman thinks that the clockworks are wanted for attaching and rotating coherers and is, therefore, having them mounted on fibre bases with adjustable springs for making contact with the coherers and the arbor constructed to, that they can be used for this purpose. They will be ready to be expressed to-morrow.
Mr. Uhlman says work on the second independent break has been commenced and is being pushed as rapidly as possible. He sends under inclosure a sketch of the old large break modified so that the mercury jet projects outward and against the teeth of the insulated disk.
Certificates of working three Austrian patents were received this morning from Mr. Page. Mr. Allen has again made a mistake in his bill, and I send herewith this corrected invoice, and also two letters.
Geo. Scherff