Nikola Tesla Letters
May 30th, 1899 letter from Nikola Tesla to George Scherff
Colorado Springs, May 30, 1899
Dear Mr. Scherff,
I have just received your letter of May 25 and was sorry to learn that you were ill and also that you met with disappointment.
With Mr. Brown I was perfectly explicit, but he very likely expected me to write. The Chatham Bank should have certainly acknowledged my dispatch informing me that they would require power of attorney. Under inclosure I forward check for $500 and one for the amount of bill of Mr. Merckling, and furthermore telephone contract is great. I am astonished that you did not so far send me any financial statement. I was compelled to telegraph to the bank after vain expectations to receive a statement from you, fearing that you might get into trouble. Even in your letter of May 25th you do not say what you want. You must at once attend to this. I cannot understand how it is that Mr. Merckling's bill of the 11th, May, is not yet paid, or has not been forwarded to me before. I am not dissatisfied, but merely want to call your attention to the oversight. I am expecting some sketches from Mr. Uhlman to see what changes he has made.
Willie should keep himself ready I should telegraph when he is to come. He ought to put together a large assortment of files (new) and metals, nickel, silver, mercury (pure) several clockworks with the coherers, particularly the working one.
Following is important.
He should bring our small Hochhausen motor and another 4 pole motor (Edison I believe) to drive it. If there is no 4 pole motor, take one of the 8 v. The two storage cells of 4 volts each can be sent me by express. The Hochhausen motor storage cells of 4 volts each can be sent me by express. The Hochhausen motor should be rewound with wire about no. 20, two coils separated in the middle by a washer of fibre. The motor is to be screwed on a piece of hardwood, 6 terminals, two for armature, and four for the four field wire ends.
Please let me know whether the new oscillator gives a steady light. If so, Willie should fix two tubes so as to show them when regulated.
Further instructions will follow.
Yours sincerely,
N. Tesla
P.S. Please ask bill of Mr. Dandee for wire (Okonite) and mail here.