Nikola Tesla Letters
October 12th, 1899 letter from Nikola Tesla to George Scherff
Colorado Springs, Oct. 12, 1899
My dear Mr. Scherff,
I shall soon return to the city - with glorious results, but financially - well, let us not speak of it. I hope that I shall find everything in satisfactory shape.
The condenser on new oscillator should be made of paper three-four thicknesses.
Tell them to be careful in building it. The other apparatus with the mica condenser ought to be fixed up so as to light a few tubes. It ought to give a very steady light because the conditions for working will be better than in others.
As I have not forwarded check to Meyer please tell him on the first opportunity that I shall return very shortly. An important thing would be to make arrangements for making up more tubes as those we have in stock. I think Alfred with a few trials ought to be able to make them. Uhlman can direct him and if he can do it tell the boy that I will gladly pay him a few dollars more. I think he deserves it anyway.
If he can not make tubes you ought to find a boy who can as I shall want good many of them. Mr. Uhlman I suppose knows all about the working of the pwnp and the manner in which the tubes are to be exhausted.
N. Tesla
P. S. Under inclosure check for $200. If I recollect rightly you should have drawn already 200 - 125 325$ without my check. Please confirm or correct this statement with return mail.