Nikola Tesla Letters
October 17th, 1899 letter from Nikola Tesla to George Scherff
Colorado Springs, Oct. 17, 1899
Dear Mr. Scherff,
I am returning some stuff to the laboratory. Among the things is the small oscillator. I found there was a mistake in the condenser, the same being built for too small a capacity.
Mr. Uhlman should at once make a mica condenser for the machine, calculating the mica of such size as to make the condenser cheapest. He can do so without waiting for the machine, as he knows the sizes. With such a condenser and a good secondary it will be a first class machine to manufacture. He can improve it in every other way he sees possible, so that, when I return shortly, it will be in perfect working order.
I hope he has already the design of modified oscillator with break (independent) and regulating coil, also independently of the machine. I wrote about this some time ago.
Inclosed check for $150.
Yours sincerely,
N. Tesla