Nikola Tesla Letters
October 30th, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla
New York, Oct. 30th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Street
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
The work of the shop is on the commutator, disk, armature and brass parts of the fourth independent break.
I inclose two letters which were received to-day. I did not know what to answer Dr. Klemp and beg for instructions.
I send also another bill for mica; the first lot obtained proved to be unsufficient for the condenser.
Mr. Uhlman and I have much regretted the long delay in forwarding the glass tubes, as well as the unsatisfactory character of the same, all the more so as Saturday evening, after finishing up, Mr. Wagner asked the sum of twenty dollars for his labor, which price we thought exorbitant. Some of the work was done at his home and he said that he had worked altogether 48 hours, but Mr. Uhlman thinks that this is due rather to his lack of skill than to any extraordinary difficulty in making the tubes.
Geo. Scherff