Nikola Tesla Letters
September 28th, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla
New York, Sep. 28th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Your letter giving description of clockworks, sounders and coherers to be made was received this morning. Mr. Uhlman says work on the different devices has been begun at once, and they will be produced as rapidly as possible.
I inclose two bills received to-day, one of which is from Foote, Pierson & Co. for an ink writing register delivered May 11th. Upon looking over the books I find a similar instrument was received on April 19th, and that a check of $38.75 was sent for the same on April 20th. If I remember correctly, this first instrument did not suit your purposes, and was returned when another one was sent on May 11th. I have telephoned to this effect to Foote, Pierson & Co. They know that one instrument was returned to them, but say your order called for two. However, they are not sure that both have been delivered. I am quite certain that only one was received which was sent to Colorado. I have inquired of Mr. Loewenstein, and he says he knows of only one there. If this is right, there would be $3.75 to your credit, as the present bill amounts to only $3.75.
As to-morrow and Saturday the banks will be closed on account of the Dewey celebration, and in order to comply with your wish to have the men paid on time by all means, I obtained to-day at the Chatham Bank $100, which, together with the amount on hand, will be sufficient for the pay roll next Saturday. The sum will be charged against your check when it is presented, as before. The Treasurer of the bank consented to advance the money only after considerable hesitation and said, he did not see how he could do it again, unless you send him written authority.
Mr. Loewenstein has told Mr. Uhlman and me something of your wonderful work there, and we know that, instead of a century, you are a thousand years ahead of the others.
Geo. Scherff