Nikola Tesla Letters
September 29th, 1915 letter from Nikola Tesla to Benjamin F. Miessner - Page 3
In my experiments and investigations in Colorado from 1899 to 1900, I developed, among other things, to important discoveries which will be essential in the future development of telautomatics. They are described in my patents #685,953 and 119,732 which were taken out at a later date. These two advances make it possible to supply to an automaton great amounts of energy and also to control it with the utmost accuracy when it is entirely out of sight and at any distance.
During the past few years I have devoted much of my time to the perfection of a small, high speed vessel and have developed a new form of prime mover which makes it possible to develop several horsepower for each pound of weight and in my latest designs I am embodying this now machine together with certain new means of propulsion in an endeavor to produce a most effective weapon of defense, such as would seem to be at this time of paramount importance to the United States.
I may be able to respond to your request to furnish you one or two illustrations but am so driven with important work that it would be next to impossible for me to prepare material, myself, for publication in your book. which I hope will prove a complete success.
Yours very truly,
N. Tesla
P/S- I have added to the material forwarded, a few other specifications which might be of interest to you in this connection.