Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 1,061,142 - Fluid Propulsion Patent Wrapper Page 60
860 OOM 19:3 U.S.PATEN OFFICE Div. 9, Room 142, In the Matter of the Application of Nikola Tesla, Serial No. 523,832, filed October 21, 1909. Subject: Fluid Propulsion. Hon. Commissioner of Patents. Sir:- D'VISION 9 Paper No. 9 FEB 12 1918 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. U.S. PATENT OFFICE. New York, February 7th, 1913. 1491 In the matter above named, claim 1 by office letter of January 30th was rejected and the rejection made final. We are, however, confident that the Examiner was not fully informed as to all the facts, and we hereby request that the action be reconsidered in view of the statement which we submit herewith. It seems to be beyond question that Mr. Tesla was the inventor of a radically new device which may be described as comprising a rotor or runner composed of a series of plane spaced disks rotably mounted within a closed casing, which latter is provided with ports at the peripheral and central portions respectively. When the peripheral port is connected with a source of fluid under pressure, so that the latter when introduced into the spaces between the disks follows a spiral course towards the central port, the runner is set in rotation by the adhesive and viscous action of the fluid and the device becomes an engine or turbine which converts the energy of the fluid into useful mechanical power. On the other hand, when the central port is connected with a body of fluid and the rotor is driven by power, the same action which in the first instance impelled the rotor now impels the fluid which following a spiral path from the central to the peripheral portion of the disks is expelled through the peri