Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 514,169 - Reciprocating Engine Patent Wrapper Page 22
JJ LJ LJ 33L DJ DJ D b Hon. Commissioner of Patents, Sir: - as follows: Room 243. In the Matter of the Application of Nikola Tesla, No 433,563, Filed August 19, 1893, Reciprocating Engines. November 11, 1893. In the above application we now amend bibration is obtained. On page 7, after line 12 insert, "This, action of the plunger upon the air con ta ined in the opposite ends of the cylinder is exactly the same in principle as though the piston rod were connected to the middle point of a coiled spring, the ends of which are connected to fixed supports. Consequently the two chambers may be considered as a single spring". Cancel claims 1, 2, and 3 and insert: "1. A reciprocat ing engine comprising in combination, a cylinder, a piston and a spring connected with or acting upon the reciprocating element, the said spring and reciprocating element being related in substantially the manner described so that the forces which tend to bring the reciprocating parts into a given position are proportionate to the displacements, whereby an iso chronous 2. A reciprocating engine comprising in combination, a cylinder, a piston impelled by steam or gas under 67