Nikola Tesla Patents
100 Sub. A June 8-1896 duced at each break of the main circuit, furri shes the proper current for charging the condenser, which may therefore be small and inexpensive. Moreover, it will be observed that since the self induction of the ci reuit through which the condenser discharges, as well as the capacity of the condenser itself, may be given practically any desired value, the frequency of the discharge current may be adjusted at will. The object sought in this invention may be realized by specifically different arrangements of apparatus, but in the drawings hereto amexed I have illustrated forms which are typical of the best and most practicable means for carrying out the invention of which I am at present aware. # Figure 1 is a diagrammatic illustration of the apparatus, and figure 2 a modification of the same. Referring to figue 1, A designates any source of direct current. In any branch of the circuit from such source, are self induction op choking coils 3 B and a circuit contraller C. This atter may be an ordinary cylinder with separated metallic segments D DE E, of which one or more pairs as E E, diametrically opposite, are electrically connected, so that when the controller is in the posi tion in which the two brushes F P bear upon two of said se ments E E the circuit through thechoking coils B will be closed. The segments D D are insulated, and while shown in the drawings as of substantially the same length of are as the segments E. E, this latter relation may be varied at will to regulate the periods of charging and -3