Nikola Tesla Patents
118 pulses, and a circuit controiler for effecting the charging and discharge of said condenser, composed of condu ctors movable into and out of proximity with each other, whereby a spark may be maintained between them and the circuit. closed thereby during determined intervals, as set forth. 2. The combination with a source of alternating current, of a condenser adapted to be charged thereby, a circuit into which the condenser discharges in a series of rapid impulses, and a circuit controller for effecting the charging and discharge of said condenser, campo sed of conductors movable into and out of proximity with each other in synchronism with the alternations of the source, as set forth. 3. A circuit controller for systems of the kind described, comprising in combination a pair of angularly. adjustable terminals and two or more rotating conductors mounted to pass in proximity to the said terminals, as set forth. 4. A circuit controller for systems of the kind described, comprising in combination two sets of conductors, one capable of rotation and the other of angular adjustment whereby they may be brought into and out of proximity to each other, at determinate points, and one or both being subdivided so as to present a group of conducting points, as set forth. Witnesses: Mr. Lurron L Duvay W. Compet -6Nikole Tesle