Nikola Tesla Patents
The many and difficult requirements of the object here contemplated, involving peculiar means for transmitting to a considerable distance an influence capable of causing, in a positive and reliable manner, these actions, necessitated the designing of devices and apparatus of a novel kind in order to utilize to the best advantage various facts or results which, either through my own investigations or those of others, have been rendered practically available. As to that part of my invention which involves the production of suitable waves or radiations and the conveying of the same to a remote receiving apparatus capable of being operated or controlled by their influence, it may be carried out in various ways which are at the present time more or less understood. For example, I may pass through a conducting path, preferably enclosing a large area, a rapidly varying current and by electro-magnetic induction of the same affect a circuit carried by the moving body. In this case the action at a given distance will be the stronger the larger the area enclosed by the conductor and the greater the rate of change of the current. If the latter were generated in the ordinary ways, the rate of change, and consequently the distance at which the action. would be practically available for the present purpose, would be very small; but by adopting such means as I have devised, that is -- either by passing through the conducting path currents of a specially designed high frequency alternator or better still, those of a strongly charged condenser, a very high rate of change may be obtained, and (3) 227