Nikola Tesla Patents
T J that under otherwise equal conditions the length of wire be half of that which would be used if both the terminals be connected or, generally, if the circuit be in the form of a closed loop or coil. Obviously also, in the latter case, the relative position of the receiving and transmitting circuits is of importance, whereas, if the circuit be of the former kind, that is, open, the relative position of the circuits is, as a rule, of little or no consequence. Finally, I may avail myself, in carrying out my invention, of electrical oscillations which do not follow any particular conducting path, but propagate in straight lines through space, of rays, waves, pulses or disturbances of any kind, capable of bringing the mechanism of the moving body into action from a distance and at the will of the operator by their effect upon suitable controlling devices. In the following detailed description 1 shall confine myself to an explanation of that method and apparatus only which I have found to be the most practical and effectual, but obviously, my invention in its broad features is not limited to the special mode and appliances which I have devised and shall here describe. In any event, that is to say above or similar plans 1 may adopt-- and, particularly, when the influence exerted from a distance upon the receiving circuit be too small to directly and reliably affect and actuate the controlling apparatus, 1 employ auxiliary sensitive relays or, generally speaking, means capable of being brought into action by the feeblest influences, in order to effect the control of the movements of the distant body with the least possible expenditure of energy and at (5) whichever of the 229