Nikola Tesla Patents
1 gas or atmosphere in which the particles are immersed and to certain deficiencies, well known to experts, of the transmitting apparatus as heretofore employed, which are in a large measure reduced by the use of my improved high frequency coils. To do away with the defects in the sensitive device, I prepare the particles so that they will be in all respects as nearly alike as possible. They are manufactured by a special tool insuring their equality in size, weight and shape and are then uniformly oxydized by placing them for a given time in an acid solution of predetermined strength. This secures equal conductivity of their surfaces and stops their further deterioration, thus preventing a change in the character of the gas in the space in which they are inclosed. I prefer not to rarefy the atmosphere within the sensitive device, as this has the effect of rendering the former less constant in regard to its dielectric properties, but merely secure an air-tight inclosure of the particles and rigorous absence of moisture, which is fatal to satisfactory working. The normal position of the cylinder c is vertical and when turned in the manner described, the grains in it are simply shifted from one end to the other. But inasmuch as they always fall through the same space and are subjected to the same agitation, they are brought, after each operation of the relay, to precisely the same electrical condition, and offer the same resistance to the flow of the battery current until another impulse from afar reaches the receiving circuit. The relay magnet a' should be of such character as to respond to a very weak current and yet be positive in its (15) 239