Nikola Tesla Patents
an official, directing the movements of a vessel in the man ner described, should find it necessary to bring into action a special device on the latter, or to perform a particular operation, perhaps of vital moment, at an instant's notice and possibly when, by design or accident, the vessel itself or any mark indicating its presence is hidden from his view. In this instance a failure or defective action of any part of the apparatus might have disastrous consequences and such cases, in which the sure and timely working of the machinery is of paramount importance, may often present themselves in practice, and this consederation has impressed me with the necessity of doing away with the defects in the present devices and procedures and of producing an apparatus which, while being sensitive, will also be most reliable and positive in its action. In the arrangement hereinafter described these defects are overcome in a most satisfactory manner, enabling thousands of successive operations, in all respects alike, being performed by the controlling apparatus without a single irregularity or miss being recorded. For a better understanding of these and other details of the invention as I now carry them out, I would refer to the accompanying drawings, in which 1 is a plan view of a vessel and mechanism within the same. (Fig. 2 is a longitudinal section of the same showing the interior mechanism in side elevation. partially Fig. 3 is a plan view, pxxx diagrammatical, of the vessel, apparatus and circuit connections of the same. Fig. 4 is a plan view on an enlarged scale of a por-10263